Exercises in Telepathy

Exercises in Telepathy

Exercises in Telepathy is the result of a group improvisation practice developed by Annie & a group of close collaborators. It is a live performance and an ongoing research into the extreme connectivity & sensitivity which can grow between dancers when improvising.  Four dancing researchers use movement, voice, and multiple languages to create a new composition on the spot. In this space, contagious ideas are spread, sustained, and broken, presence is palpable, and the performers embrace the serious and the ridiculous with equal rigour.

The improvisation methods within the work are also part of Annie's interest in finding 'universal' ways of dancing & creating performance, which could be used by anybody, regardless of their level of experience or ability. It interrogates 'accessibility' on several levels, through its creative methodology, by composing with audio & visual elements and BSL, and in its frank relationship with the audience. This is a work with compositional and philosophical inquiries beneath its lighthearted exterior.

Exercises in Telepathy was presented at The Place in 2017 as part of AnnieVickySarah Take Space, and at Siobhan Davies Studios in 2019 as part of the Open Choreography Performance Evening series.  Its methodology was tested during a Doing Day workshop for adults from diverse backgrounds hosted by Siobhan Davies Dance, offering a practical encounter with the creative methods of Louise Ahl & Annie.

Development has been supported by Arts Council England, Candoco Dance Company, Siobhan Davies Dance, The Place, and Clarence Mews.

Research & performance 2015-2017: Sophie Arstall, Lou Hartman, Jemima Hoadley, Vicky Malin, Annie Hanauer.

Further Development & performance 2018-2019: Sophie Arstall, Lou Hartman, Jemima Hoadley, Anne-Gaelle Thiriot, Andrew Graham, Tanja Erhart.

Artistic mentorship: Lea Anderson, Jeni Draper, Chisato Minamimura.


Photography: 2017 Matt Grayson, 2019 Camilla Greenwell. Video: Roswitha Chesher, Siobhan Davies Dance.
